Outdated Drivers
Can cause hardware related Errors. Check your PC Drivers now.


  • Go to Start > Program > Accessories > Hyperterminal. (You can install Hyperterminal through Add/Remove Programs if you do not have it).

  • Click on the Hyperterm program.

  • Name the connection "Test" and click OK.

  • Enter the phone number for your ISP connection.

  • Ensure that it is set to be using your PC-Tel modem, and click OK.

  • Click Dial.

  • After the handshaking is done, you should see on the screen the word: "Login", though this does vary from ISP to ISP.

  • Wait a little while, say 15-60 seconds so you are connected for a bit.

  • Disconnect by using the pulldown menu under Call, then select Disconnect.

  • After you are disconnected, type AT%L, press ENTER, and the following should appear with the 0's filled in:


Basic Analysis of AT%L:

This is the Line Signal Level for your telephone line. This value is measured in -dBm's. If the value represented displays over 030, then you may have signal problems with your phone line.

  • Next type in AT%Q, press ENTER, and the following should appear with the 0's filled in:


Basic Analysis of AT%Q:

This is the Line Quality for your telephone line. This value indicates represents the number of re-transmissions the modem has performed over a specific period of time. A value over 030 may indicate some heavy line noise, and values that go over 060 may indicate some SERIOUS noise problems.

This page was last modified on Saturday, 05-Feb-2011 15:13:38 EST.

This website is ©1999-Present Bradford Liedel DBA ModemHelp Networks and Web Services. Mason, MI 48854 USA. All rights reserved.